125 Old Gothic

Cross Sectional Area 5800mm2
125 Old Gothic spouting features a Colonial styled detailing that will suit any Kiwi home old or new. Also available in the larger capacity 150 Old Gothic Spouting.
On larger builds consider using 125 Old Gothic on dormers, bay windows, pool houses, decks and small out buildings, and 150 Old Gothic on larger roof
areas and main residences. An extremely strong and versatile profile.

150 Old Gothic
Cross Sectional Area 9000mm2
150 Old Gothic spouting features a Colonial styled detailing that will suit any Kiwi home old or new. The larger shape provides great access for cleaning and its high front is perfect for hiding roof edges. Also available in the smaller capacity 125 Old Gothic Spouting. On larger builds consider using 150 Old Gothic on larger roof areas and main residences and 125 Old Gothic on dormers, bay windows, pool houses, decks and small out buildings. An extremely strong and versatile profile.